Injury '07 Tour continues: SPX and Star Clipper
This weekend I'll be at the Small Press eXpo in the D.C. area. Mardou and I will be helping out at the Buenaventura table, and I'll be signing Injuries. Swing by and say hi if you're going there. But - don't feel like you HAVE to say hi.
I'll be doing a signing for the debut of "Injury" next week at Star Clipper in the U-City Loop. This is the first time I'll be signing Injury here in town. Stop by if you haven't bought the book yet.
It'll be a group signing Wednesday October 17th from 5-8pm with me, John Porcellino, Dan Zettwoch and Kevin Huizenga. John Porcellino will also be giving a slideshow presentation at 6pm. St. Louis has had a banner year for indie comics talent passing thru. Please come out for it - it should be a blast.
Speaking of St Louis comics events - thanks to everyone who showed up for our panel at the Big Read in Clayton. I've never done one of those so sorry for any stammering or poorly constructed sentences.
I'll be doing a signing for the debut of "Injury" next week at Star Clipper in the U-City Loop. This is the first time I'll be signing Injury here in town. Stop by if you haven't bought the book yet.
It'll be a group signing Wednesday October 17th from 5-8pm with me, John Porcellino, Dan Zettwoch and Kevin Huizenga. John Porcellino will also be giving a slideshow presentation at 6pm. St. Louis has had a banner year for indie comics talent passing thru. Please come out for it - it should be a blast.
Speaking of St Louis comics events - thanks to everyone who showed up for our panel at the Big Read in Clayton. I've never done one of those so sorry for any stammering or poorly constructed sentences.