Click around for more detailed info. Comics listed in reverse order of their appearance. * indicates full comic available for viewing.

November 2004 - St. Louis, MO USA
"The Ghost of Dragon Canoe" - 18 page, full-color story in the incredible Kramers Ergot #5 from Avodah Books and Gingko Press. My best strip yet - features grizzly roadkill, a Pantera T-shirt, and a whole lot of heart. The book is available now from Buenaventura Press, and will be in your local bookstore soon.
More info and sample pages here.

November 2004 - St. Louis, MO USA
"USS Catastrophe Election Treasury" - My buddies Ted May & Kevin Huizenga and I had an original art bake sale. We did custom drawings for people, sent the money to a charity of our choice, then collected all the drawings into a booklet. Buy it from the shop.
sample page #1 > #2 > #3

October 2004 - St. Louis, MO USA
"The Rubber Frame" - For some crazy reason they let me paint a giant comic strip on the wall of an art gallery. Read all about it here!

June 2004 - St. Louis, MO USA
"Blue Hammer" - My friend Andy Terhune drew this four-page strip for the "lonely boy" anthology ONLY THE LONELY. I was Andy's technical expert when it came to proper usage of bowling jargon. You can buy it from editor Josh Frankel's site or from the Catastrophe Shop.
sample page #1

March 2004 - St. Louis, MO USA
"selections from GAG HAG" - I drew four one-page gag panels for Onsmith's laff-fest anthology GAG HAG, which includes much funnier gags from other fellas. My gags feature a pair of old dudes in the future. Adults only! You can Buy it from Onsmith or buy it from the Catastrophe Shop.

February 2004 - St. Louis, MO USA
"Cottonmouth" * - Four page comic I drew for issue #6 of Kitchen Sink magazine, the "latency" issue. My story relates to the theme in a weird way and contains lots of awkard romantic dialogue and cross-hatching.
Read it!

November 2003 - St. Louis, MO USA
"Deadlock" *- A comic I drew for a neat website called "Other People's Stories" based on some mind-boggling blog entries by my buddy and fellow cartoonist Jason Shiga. It's free and in color!
Read it!

September 2003 - St. Louis, MO USA
REDBIRD #1.5; VS. : 26 page traditional mini-comic sized booklet that was completed in the days before the 2003 St. Louis Comic Art Show. It's about slot car racing mostly, and can be purchased for $1 from me or the USSCatastrophe Shop.
cover and sample pages

September 2003 - St. Louis, MO USA
"Little Sammy McSkinker" * - My buddies Ted May & Kevin Huizenga and I got asked by the RiverFront Times to do a color comics feature for the paper. We did a "comics through the ages" kind of thing centered around a 1904 World's Fair kid/caveman/hoosier dude.
Read it!

July 2003 - St. Louis, MO USA
"Crucial Point" - Four page strip about an incident between two hoboes beneath an underpass that may be based on a true story. Will soon see print in the Hi-Horse Omnibus to be published by Alternative Comics.
Info and sample pages

April 2003 - St. Louis, MO USA
REDBIRD #1: 36 page, 5.5" x 7" mini-comic that contains three stories: "Still Life," "At Large," and "Glass, Steel, & Sweet Tea". Available in person, at Star Clipper in St. Louis, or through the shop. Be on the lookout for more Redbirds in the future.
cover and sample pages

October 2002 - St. Louis, MO USA
"Glass, Steel, & Sweet Tea" - Short and sweetened four-page illustrated recipe comic complete with input from three generations of Zettwochs. It's soon to appear in another one of wiSEANDUNCANny's hot foodstuffs anthologies.
sample page #1
July 2002 - St. Louis, MO USA
"IRONCLAD" - Big 26 page mini-comic about the historic Battle of Hampton Roads, in which rival armored warships the Monitor and Merrimac squared off. Beware: lots of blood, guts, battle-related sound effects, and creative Civil War-era facial hair appears in this comic book. Buy it from the shop!
cover > sample page #1 > sample fold-out page
April 2002 - San Francisco, CA USA
"MidSouth Miracles" - Eight page story about the powers of garlic, seen and unseen. It was published in the first issue of Sean Duncan's Food Comics anthology, which is also available from the shop.
sample page #1

February 2002 - San Francisco, CA USA
"IMPOSSIBLE vs. SpaceMen" parts I and II- hackneyed genre tale of a ragtag group of cartoonists fighting Martians at the State Fair. The first part can be read in the Impossible Anthology #2, and the mind-boggling conclusion installment in #3.
sample page #1 > #2

October 2001 - San Francisco, CA USA
"Salvage Yard" - comic inspired by George Romero's Dawn of the Dead. Look for it cowering behind a bunch of much better comics in Jerome Gaynor's zombie antho Bogus Dead.
sample page #1
July 2001 - San Francisco, CA USA
"The Disappearing Man of Hill-Behan" * - sad story regarding a building. Dedicated to the city of St. Louis and all my pals who still live there, it has only been seen by the participants of Shiot Crock III. Until now.
read it! (beware: 765k vertical scroller)
April 2001 - San Francisco, CA USA
"Northwestern Parkway " - 9 page comic about stray dogs, malted milkshakes, and the neighborhood where my parents grew up. That's my old man over to the left. Published in the EXPO 2001 anthology.
sample page #1

February 2001 - San Francisco, CA USA
"Halfway To Hell" - short docu-dramatic comic talking about the construction of the Golden Gate bridge. Originally published in the first IMPOSSIBLE comics compendium (available at the USSCatastrophe gift shop).
sample page #1

January 2001 - San Francisco, CA USA
"The Secret Society of 6 Mile Lane" * - nice story about gang warfare and growing up. Printed up nice like and put out as one half of a flipbook with my old pal Chris Vanderhoof. Buy it here. Or if you're a computer operator, scope it for free:
read it! (782k vertical scroller) > The Bad Birds circa 1985

November 2000 - St. Louis, MO / San Francisco, CA USA
Collectin'! - 42 page miniature comic book about an old coot who lives near an abandoned drive-in movie theater. First edition of 250 printed with fancy-pants silkscreened cover and vellum inserts. Second printing available at the gift shop.
cover > sampler platter

October 2000 - San Francisco, CA USA
"5:30 a.m. " * - Fold-out poster-comic rendered lovingly in Bezier curves, with a story based loosely on a morning of donuts and bowling I had once. I don't, however, have a robotic hand.
read it! (129k horizontal scroller)

May 1999 - St. Louis, MO USA
The Angel & Escapist - Unpublishable 32 page comic made of acrylic paintings and linoleum cuts, telling the story of the '62 championship fight between Floyd Patterson and Sonny Liston. Based mostly on David Remnick's great Ali book King of the World.
sampler smorgasboard (14 pages)

March 1999 - St. Louis, MO USA
"Phantom Digits" - True life comical tale about Grandpa Zettwoch cutting his fingers off in a table saw. Originally seen in Washington University's comics booklet BUG. Gross!
(4 pages)

August 1998 - May 1999 - St. Louis, MO USA
"Running with Scissors" - No , I didn't rip off Weird Al to get the title of my weekly strip in the college newspaper. I ripped off Deadguy's song from the Work Ethic 7". Uneven would be a compliment. Collected and published in a single sizzling volume.
look at a few (actually, 12, if you’re game)
September 1998 - St. Louis, MO USA
"The Legend of Obn Clay" * - Short and sweet one pager about an elementary school kickball hero. Done in one sitting for the Star Clipper Small Press Smorgasbord 1998. I sat right next to Ted May. Keep fighting the good fight!
read it! and weep

December 1997 - St. Louis, MO USA
Blaze Calhoun: Man of Invincible Fate - 28 pager detailing the exploits of yet another noble but flawed redneck—this time a hubristic daredevil. Twenty copies were printed and "bound" at the Kranzberg Illustrated Book Studio at Washington University.
cover > sampler platter

March 1997 - St. Louis, MO USA
"Obsolescence" * - Story about a security guard and a strip-mall laundromat. Inspired by the Del Rio plaza across the street from the library I worked at in high school. Boy, let me tell you, we had some fun at that library. Also printed in BUG magazine.
read it! (4 pages)

1984 - 1986 - Louisville, KY USA
"SpaceKnights of Tiskor" and "Secret Society of Robot Forces" - assorted materials related to two teams of superbeings, including ninjas, aquatic robots, and shadowy villains that take on attributes of natural disasters.
The Battle Begins > Origin of the S.S.R.F. > character dossiers

1984 - 1986 - Louisville, KY USA
"Ron" - sporadically produced gag strip featuring a rambunctious youngster and a clever logo. Still searching for a syndicate.
Ron at Home


on the burner:
•REDBIRD #2: featuring the first installment of a longer submarine/soap opera comic story titled "The Locks" - I swear it's coming!!!
I drew chapter 2: the Secret of Gabriel Syme for Sparkplug Comic Books' upcoming Orchid2 anthology - they swear it's coming!!!
A four-page back-up story for issue #6 of Jeff Wilson's epic sci-fi punk saga, SAP.
A book full of punk comics called "Duct Tape and Noodles" #1, also with Jeff W.

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